Cognition and Learning

At Brough Primary School we make provision for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability within each of the four categories defined in the 2015 SEND Code of Practice (para 6.28 – 6.35):

• Communication and Interaction

• Cognition and Learning

• Social, Emotional and Mental Health

• Sensory and/or Physical

It is not uncommon that children may have SEND that falls into one or more of the above categories.

Cognition and learning

Support for learning difficulties may be required when children and young people learn at a slower pace than their peers, even with appropriate adaptations and differentiation.

Learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs, including moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and severe learning difficulties (SLD), where children are likely to need support in some, or all areas of the curriculum and may have associated difficulties with mobility and communication. When children have profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), they are likely to have severe and complex learning difficulties as well as a physical disability and sensory impairment. A child can also have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) which may affect one area of their learning and encompasses a range of conditions, such as dyscalculia, dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Phonic/Dyslexia support at Brough Primary School

The school is aware that there may be at least 10% of children in the school with additional needs in the form of Dyslexia. This is in addition to those with other Literacy difficulties. There are specific teaching assistants in the school who have additional training which allows them to deliver multi-sensory programs of work beneficial to those with phonic difficulties and Dyslexia. Children will work on a 1-1 program 2 or 3 times weekly and concentrate on phonics, spelling and reading. Throughout the sessions the children will develop their memory skills, which is another significant difficulty for some children. The school also uses computer programs such as Wordshark to aid spelling and reading.

The school is happy to make initial assessments for children with Literacy difficulties which may or may not be related to Dyslexia. Advice as to ways parents can help at home will be given and teaching assistants are happy to demonstrate the work they do with their child in school. Additional assessments and 1-1 support is discussed with the parents and progress is monitored and shared.

We work closely with our attached Educational Psychologist and other agencies to identify and support children’s learning. Please refer to out SEN Information report for more information.

Useful, fun websites with highly visual games for using with your children to consolidate early skills:

‘Parents value the school’s work highly. They believe the school is well led and indicate that the new headteacher has improved the school and that staff are supporting their children well.’

OFSTED comments

‘Currently, pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, develop good skills and knowledge in reading,
mathematics and a wide range of subjects. ’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils are pleasant,
polite and respectful. Attendance is above

OFSTED comments

‘Teachers’ skilful questioning is used well, especially in guided reading and in mathematics to deepen pupils’ learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘Staff morale is high and there is a shared sense of purpose and a desire for all pupils to
achieve their full potential.’

OFSTED comments

‘The enhanced provision, The Bridge, is making a significantly positive contribution to pupils’ ability to self-manage their needs.’

OFSTED comments

‘The extra funding for those pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is used highly

OFSTED comments

‘Teachers ask supplementary questions to make sure that pupils have a full understanding of the work they are doing and are making good progress. ‘

OFSTED comments

‘Parents and carers have a very high level of confidence in the work of the school.’

OFSTED comments

‘The local authority has a clear picture of the development of the school and has supported this school securely on its journey of improvement.’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils study a wide range of subjects and have a good range of additional activities to
broaden their experiences.’

OFSTED comments

‘The headteacher and governors have high expectations of staff and pupils.’

OFSTED comments

‘The headteacher has made sure that senior leaders, and middle leaders, have had very
effective training’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils take part in
visits to places of interest that then contribute
very well to their learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘All pupils spoken to say they are safe in school and they enjoy school.’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils participate in competitive sports, such as cross-country, squash and football, as well as winning local dance competitions.’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils make a good contribution to their learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘Children settle quickly into Reception and make good progress because of good leadership and
good teaching.’

OFSTED comments

‘Governors make a strong contribution to the development of the school.’

OFSTED comments

‘The curriculum offers many exciting opportunities for learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘The primary school physical education and sports funding is used very well.’

OFSTED comments

‘The school promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural education very well.’

OFSTED comments

‘Teachers assess pupils’ work accurately and use their good subject knowledge to plan
interesting tasks that engage pupils well.’

OFSTED comments

‘Astute use of professional development and support for staff has resulted in good teaching.’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils engage effectively in learning and enjoy school.’

OFSTED comments

‘There is full engagement by the school in a local sports partnership. Pupils say that they
enjoy sport.’

OFSTED comments

‘The school’s enhanced provision for those pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities is a strength of the school,’

OFSTED comments

‘An analysis of pupils’ work by inspectors showed good gains in knowledge, skills and
understanding in reading, mathematics and a wide range of subjects.’

OFSTED comments

‘School leaders
and governors are passionate about pupils’ achievement and personal development. ‘

OFSTED comments

‘The special educational needs coordinator identifies the needs of pupils very accurately and makes sure strong provision is in place to meet pupils’ needs.’

OFSTED comments