SEND Family Support

East Riding Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)


The service is trained to provide advice based on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice and the Children And Families Act.

SENDIASS offers impartial, confidential information, advice and support for any type of disability or learning difficulty (diagnosis not needed) to:

• Parents and carers of children and young people (birth to 25 years) with special educational needs or disabilities

• Children and young people (up to 25 years) with special educational needs or disabilities (and if they choose, their parents/carers). SENDIASS will ensure that young people can participate fully in the decisions that affect their lives and encourage self advocacy

• Professionals needing signposting and procedure information around the SEND Code of Practice. Further Information:

Telephone: (01482) 396469 + option 2 (8:30am to 4:30pm)

Text only: 07507 310273


Address: County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA (please mark correspondence as ‘private and confidential’).


The Hull and East Riding SEND Sleep Service


Children and young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) are far more likely than their peers to have sleep difficulties. These may include difficulty getting to sleep, waking frequently throughout the night or waking early in the morning.

The Hull and East Riding SEND Sleep Service aims to support the child or young person to sleep better with a range of methods individualised to each particular family.

Support is provided by trained Sleep Practitioners through a range of methods, including workshops and drop-ins, support in the family home, support in the child’s school, and telephone and email support.

The service is for any child or young person aged 1-18, with a SEND, with a Hull or East Riding GP. Unfortunately we are unale to accept referrals from those families with a Vale of York GP

Further Information;

KIDS Yorkshire

(01482) 467540

KIDS Yorkshire


Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)


Holiday Activities and Food Programme is jam-packed with fun activities for children and young people to do in the Easter summer and Christmas holidays. We work with a range of partners to offer 4 hours of free activities and a meal too for children and young people aged 5-16 years who go to school in the East Riding and are eligible for benefits related free school meals. A limited number of places on these programmes are also available to children and young people with SEND or an EHCP regardless of their free school meal status.

County Hall

Cross Street


East Riding of Yorkshire

HU17 9BA

For further information on eligibility, visit apply for free school meals.

East Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum (EYPCF)


East Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum (EYPCF) is for the parents and carers of children and young people (0-25 years) who have any special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and live in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

We are part of a Regional and National network and represent the views of parents to improve local services for families who care for children and young people with SEND

EYPCF is an independent organisation and we believe that by working together we have more strength to raise awareness of our children’s needs.

The aim of the group is to try to ensure that parents and carers are involved in shaping services within the East Riding of Yorkshire that may impact on their children. We have a broad membership of parent carers.

A smaller group of voluntary representatives form a steering group who organise and plan events and attend meetings on behalf of the forum. Everybody on the steering group has direct experience of children with SEND.

The forum represents the views of parents in the local area but does not advocate for individual families.

We hold regular events for parents and carers across the East Riding of Yorkshire and gather information about what works well, and encourage parents and carers to share any issues they may have. This feedback is then shared with the relevant groups.

Unit 4
East Riding Business Centre

Family Fund

Summary: An independent organisation mainly funded by the government administrations of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Family Fund can give grants and information to families caring for a severely disabled child aged 17 or under. Key Points Family Fund, Supporting You Further Family Fund want to support as many families as we can. As well as our grants, there are other ways that we can support you. Digital Support Family Fund provide iPad training and digital support to families that have received a grant from us.
4 Alpha Court Monks Cross Drive
YO32 9WN
08449 744099
Textphone: 01904 658 085

Contact For families with Disabled children


Support for families We’re here to support families, providing the best possible guidance and advice. Policy, campaigns, and research As a campaigning organisation, we influence policy and campaign, so politicians and decision-makers tackle the inequalities faced by families with disabled children Parent carer participation Working together, parents and practitioners can help improve services for disabled children in the local areas Key Points: We run special projects and programmes across the UK. Find out about our key programmes, their aims, impacts. We exist to help families feel valued, supported, confident and informed.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)


The association aims to promote counselling, maintain and raise standards, provide information, advice and lists of counsellors, and represent counselling and psychotherapy at national level. Key Points BACP exist for one simple reason – counselling changes lives The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK. Further Information:
BACP House
15 St John’s Business Park
LE17 4HB
0870 4435252

Victoria Brattan Children’s Physiotherapy


Victoria Brattan Children’s Physiotherapy offers advanced assessment and treatment for all conditions in children aged 0-18 years. With over 22 years experience in the NHS we have developed specialist skills and understand how important it is to not to treat children as mini adults. Childrens Physiotherapy or Paediatric Physio is a specialist area targeting the needs of babies, children and young adults. We offer flexible appointments including weekends and after school and have no waiting list. I can visit you at home or I have clinic space in Welton. We are also able to use the Unique friends facilities at Gilberdyke. We have enhanced DBS checks, We’re HCPC registered and a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists.

Further Information:

Victoria Brattan
07946 539699

1 Cowgate
HU15 1NB

Dyslexia Sparks


Dyslexia Sparks is Hull and East Yorkshire’s only registered charity for dyslexia.

We support dyslexic individuals of all ages to fulfil their potential through diagnostic assessments, specialist tuition and free advice and guidance. We extend our support to families too and offer free monthly parent support groups.

Our diagnostic dyslexia assessments are carried out by a member of our specialist team and are suitable for adults and children aged seven onwards. You do not need a referral to arrange an appointment with us for an assessment or any of our other services.

Our fun, interactive and specialist tuition improves the reading, spelling, writing and maths skills of our dyslexic students. Our specialist tutors deliver a personalised programme of learning support to help each child progress and sessions are delivered on a on a 1-1 or 1-2 ratio.

We deliver training to schools and organisations too, helping them to spot the signs of dyslexia and support dyslexic individuals.

Parent support groups are free to attend and take place on the second Thursday of every month during term time. Come along for an opportunity to meet other parents of dyslexic children and gain advice from our specialist team.

Funding is available to support eligible households in Hull and East Yorkshire with the cost of our specialist services. Diagnostic dyslexia assessments can be carried out from £160. Paired tuition is charged at £37 for one hour or £55 for 1.5 hours. Further Information:

(01482) 234856

Information for parents:

  • docs to go here

‘Support for SEND Pupils: Pupils with complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who access ‘The Bridge’ are given bespoke support to help them in their learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘Role Models:
Older pupils enjoy role-modelling good manners and routines to children in Reception during lunchtime.’

OFSTED comments

‘Engaged Learners: Pupils are enthusiastic about learning, show pride in their work, and consistently follow the clear routines set by the school. This contributes to a positive learning environment.’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupil Safety and Trust: Pupils say they feel safe and that they trust adults to help them.’

OFSTED comments

‘Governance and Leadership: Governors understand their roles. They assure themselves that what leaders tell them is reflected in the reality of pupils’ experiences. They offer support and challenge to leaders.’

OFSTED comments

‘Caring and Respectful Environment: The school fosters a culture of respect and kindness. Relationships between staff and pupils are warm, and there is a strong sense of community and family within the school. Pupils feel safe and trust the adults to support them.’

OFSTED comments

‘School Environment:
This is a school that is built upon respect and kindness. Relationships between adults and pupils are warm and caring. A sense of family and community runs through the school.’

OFSTED comments

‘Extracurricular Activities and Cultural Awareness: Pupils participate in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom, such as residential experiences. They are also taught to respect different cultures and religions, helping them understand and reject prejudice and discrimination.’

OFSTED comments

‘Safeguarding: The school has effective safeguarding arrangements, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.’

OFSTED comments

‘Cultural Understanding: Pupils are taught to recognise and respect different cultures and religions in wider society… They understand the broader make-up of the community and society that they are a part of.’

OFSTED comments

This work is beginning to give pupils opportunities to build more knowledge over time. For example, Year 2 pupils talk confidently about their learning about The Great Fire of London from Year 1, and how this connects to current learning in history.’

OFSTED comments

‘Governance and Leadership: The school’s governors are well-informed, offering both support and challenge to leaders. They are also conscious of staff well-being, contributing to a positive working environment for staff.’

OFSTED comments

‘Behavior Management: Adults manage behaviour in a consistent way. Pupils say that adults are fair. Leaders have ensured that there are clear routines that pupils follow around school.’

OFSTED comments

‘Inclusive Support for SEND Pupils: The school provides tailored support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), particularly through its “The Bridge” provision. Pupils with complex needs are encouraged to manage their emotions, which positively impacts their learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘Curriculum Development: The curriculum has been developed to help pupils build knowledge over time. There is evidence of students connecting previous learning to current lessons, indicating a well-structured curriculum.’

OFSTED comments

‘Phonics and Reading: Pupils enjoy reading and being read to. The phonics curriculum begins early in Reception, and staff receive regular training to deliver it effectively. There is a strong reading culture, especially in the early years.’

OFSTED comments

‘Enthusiasm for Learning: Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. They begin their work enthusiastically and present their work with pride.’

OFSTED comments

‘Positive Behavior and Role Models: Older pupils act as role models for younger ones, helping them with manners and routines. The school maintains a calm and orderly environment, contributing to a feeling of safety for the pupils.’

OFSTED comments