Reporting Absences

What if my child is off?

We expect your child to attend school every day, however, if your child is ill and unable to attend, please inform the school office before 9am. As a school we have a duty of care and therefore if we do not hear from you we will contact you via a phone call or carry out a home visit.

School telephone number: 01482 667352

The school office is open from 8.30am – 4.30pm Mon-Thu & 8:30am – 4:00pm Fri.
Messages can be left on the answerphone out of these hours.

• If your child has a medical appointment, please bring your appointment card/ letter to the office where we can authorise the absence.
• Remember – every day spent in school helps your child to make progress.
• Children whose attendance falls below 95% will be classed as persistent absentees and be invited in to meet with the Headteacher to discuss what support can be offered to improve attendance.


Under the government’s ‘living with Covid’ plan the following guidance is now in place:

adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature

children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend

adults with a positive COVID-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice will be 3 days

We do strongly advise you to follow this advice and keep your child/children at home if they are unwell.

We continue to ask that you let us know if your child/children test positive and/or if there are positive cases in the household. This allows us to monitor any symptoms within a class carefully to help minimise any potential spread.

Please report these via telephone (between 8:30am and 4:30pm) or via email if outside of these hours. or

Term-time Holidays

Planned Absence & Holiday Requests


In exceptional circumstances, such as children of members of the armed forces, acute crisis within the family and court order/formal agreement where parents have separated, it may be possible to review this.

‘Role Models:
Older pupils enjoy role-modelling good manners and routines to children in Reception during lunchtime.’

OFSTED comments

‘Positive Behavior and Role Models: Older pupils act as role models for younger ones, helping them with manners and routines. The school maintains a calm and orderly environment, contributing to a feeling of safety for the pupils.’

OFSTED comments

‘Caring and Respectful Environment: The school fosters a culture of respect and kindness. Relationships between staff and pupils are warm, and there is a strong sense of community and family within the school. Pupils feel safe and trust the adults to support them.’

OFSTED comments

‘Governance and Leadership: The school’s governors are well-informed, offering both support and challenge to leaders. They are also conscious of staff well-being, contributing to a positive working environment for staff.’

OFSTED comments

‘Safeguarding: The school has effective safeguarding arrangements, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.’

OFSTED comments

‘Extracurricular Activities and Cultural Awareness: Pupils participate in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom, such as residential experiences. They are also taught to respect different cultures and religions, helping them understand and reject prejudice and discrimination.’

OFSTED comments

This work is beginning to give pupils opportunities to build more knowledge over time. For example, Year 2 pupils talk confidently about their learning about The Great Fire of London from Year 1, and how this connects to current learning in history.’

OFSTED comments

‘Enthusiasm for Learning: Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. They begin their work enthusiastically and present their work with pride.’

OFSTED comments

‘School Environment:
This is a school that is built upon respect and kindness. Relationships between adults and pupils are warm and caring. A sense of family and community runs through the school.’

OFSTED comments

‘Phonics and Reading: Pupils enjoy reading and being read to. The phonics curriculum begins early in Reception, and staff receive regular training to deliver it effectively. There is a strong reading culture, especially in the early years.’

OFSTED comments

‘Governance and Leadership: Governors understand their roles. They assure themselves that what leaders tell them is reflected in the reality of pupils’ experiences. They offer support and challenge to leaders.’

OFSTED comments

‘Engaged Learners: Pupils are enthusiastic about learning, show pride in their work, and consistently follow the clear routines set by the school. This contributes to a positive learning environment.’

OFSTED comments

‘Inclusive Support for SEND Pupils: The school provides tailored support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), particularly through its “The Bridge” provision. Pupils with complex needs are encouraged to manage their emotions, which positively impacts their learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘Pupil Safety and Trust: Pupils say they feel safe and that they trust adults to help them.’

OFSTED comments

‘Support for SEND Pupils: Pupils with complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who access ‘The Bridge’ are given bespoke support to help them in their learning.’

OFSTED comments

‘Behavior Management: Adults manage behaviour in a consistent way. Pupils say that adults are fair. Leaders have ensured that there are clear routines that pupils follow around school.’

OFSTED comments

‘Cultural Understanding: Pupils are taught to recognise and respect different cultures and religions in wider society… They understand the broader make-up of the community and society that they are a part of.’

OFSTED comments

‘Curriculum Development: The curriculum has been developed to help pupils build knowledge over time. There is evidence of students connecting previous learning to current lessons, indicating a well-structured curriculum.’

OFSTED comments